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Rolfing® Structural Integration is a bodywork modality that focuses primarily on fascia. Through hands on interventions as well as movement education, we seek to organize the body as it stands and moves in gravity.

I'm a Certified Rolfer® Structural Integrator. I'm deeply invested in bringing better health, an improved sense of wellbeing and more ease to my clients. My aim for everyone I work with is to help them increase their strength, balance, physical abilities, flexibility and to find more efficient, less painful ways of moving in gravity.

I began my Rolfing® Structural Integration studies in 2019 at the Dr. Ida Rolf Institute in Boulder, Colorado. I continued my education and graduated from the European Rolfing Association in Munich, Germany in 2021.

I love the collaborative work of Rolfing, and how it combines both direct tissue work as well as the client’s felt sense and participation. I very much enjoy that Rolfing is so alive with creativity and multiple approaches for each client, each session, each situation.

Movement and body mechanics are endlessly fascinating to me. How can we be most at ease in our bodies? How can we honor what we already have and push through possible discomfort to find something new? How can we continue to adjust to challenges and find growth or maintain balance?

Rolfing has a reputation of being quite painful, which in its early days, it often was. It was thought that greater pressure equaled greater effect. That the Rolfer could mold the fascia of the client. We now know this isn’t true. While Dr. Ida Rolf’s core principles were correct and quite revolutionary, many studies have since been conducted and found other more interesting and subtle elements are at play. 

We also focus on the nervous system as a part of connecting with the myofascial system and how to best work with our clients to facilitate long term changes. Research on fascia has shown that practitioners can, through touch, hydrate fascia and help with inflammation, but can it permanently change through touch or pressure alone? The beauty of Rolfing is that it’s a joint effort between the client and the Rolfer, with the Rolfer helping to bring awareness to the client about their own systems and then empowering the client to take that awareness and continue to grow with it and within it. 

You can reach out to me with questions, but getting on the table and experiencing it is even more powerful.

  • Single Session

    A single session can be a good sampler if you’re curious about Rolfing and if it’s a good fit for you.

    75-90 MINUTES $135

  • 3 sessions

    A great way to sample the beginning of the 10 series. In these sessions, we address the outer layers. Very effective on it’s own, and also lays the groundwork to future sessions if desired.


    One of the best ways to experience what Rolfing has to offer, is through the 10 series. The person who chooses this option is looking for overall support and more ease in their body. We cover both the outer and inner layers of the body as well as integrate all the changes that have taken place in our work together.

“Part of the challenge of being a human being is how to find stability without getting rigid. How to find security in a world that is changing all the time. . . How to find a way to feel secure that doesn’t involve clinging to things that are going to get away from you. You have to be able to change the fixed point, to adapt.” 

– Aline Newton, Advanced Certified Rolfer and Rolf Movement Educator